And here I go again.
I have been having trouble sleeping for a long time. It started after I came from Ukraine. The past week has been alright. I could sleep, not as much as I'd like but I am not on a coffee diet. My blood pressure dropped a few days ago. I need to take care of myself. But I feel good today. I think I'm not drinking until my birthday because I need some detox to have a fantastic time on my birthday.
When I was in India, I didn’t like to celebrate my birthday. But one of my closest friends, more like a brother told me to celebrate so you know you have come a long way from last year and you’re the same person you were a year ago. And I am in a different country and the challenges I have faced in these last 3 months do deserve a celebration. Celebration of staying alive, a celebration of how God helped me move ahead in those trying times. Celebration of love, life and new experiences.
I have a plan on what I want to do but if you know me, my plans are more of guidelines because I'm big on improvising. you know. Musician.
I might write about it or not. Depends on if I remember it. But one thing I know is I'm gonna have a good time because I think I need it and to appreciate what I have now.
Enough of looking into the future, I will look back now, not that back but a little just so I stay humble and get along with whatever life throws at me because I know and have experienced, When you don't get want you to want it’s not the end, God has something better and more of what s yours. We can’t even fathom his plans for us. SO just believe and keep on working toward what your dreams are. But don’t be so in over the end goal. Have fun while you’re at it.